Who We Are
An academy dedicated to the three types of medicine: spiritual, psychological, and physical. As Ibn al-Qayyim said, a healer should not treat people without understanding these three types of medicine, as diseases often overlap among them. Our work is managed and supervised by specialists in both modern and traditional medicine, as well as Islamic jurisprudence.
Our Mission
To bring households, especially Muslim households, to the highest levels of stability, allowing the head of the household to exemplify a purposeful leadership on earth. This is achieved through the stability of the family’s psychological, physical, and spiritual health.

Our Goal
To create communities that are aware of their health, psychological, and spiritual well-being, and stable in their health and relationships with each other, allowing these communities to focus on the noble message of humanity.

Our Services
- Consultations, programs, and healing related to individual and family problems caused by spiritual (possession, magic, envy, or evil eye), psychological, or medical issues.
- Treatment through herbs known in traditional medicine without the side effects found in modern medicine.
- Treatment with prophetic and therapeutic cupping by specialists in both traditional and modern medicine.
- Treatment with medicinal leeches known for extracting bad blood from the body.
- Treatment through the six well-known bee products.
- We offer some products through our website; you can visit the product list to view them.